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Pump up your knowledge: SPORT protein meets fermentation

The new formulation now gives you even better support on your way to top athletic performance

Mix mushrooms, peas and rice – sounds like a recipe and, indeed, it is one! We’re always looking with open minds for natural solutions that support your fitness goals. That’s why we’ve now taken our SPORT protein to the next level of sport nutrition. Our new formulation contains a stand-out ingredient – fermented rice-and-pea protein – and it offers two clear advantages: higher bioavailability and better tolerability. Read more here.

SPORT protein
vegan protein power
14 sachets

Why we decided to ferment our source proteins 

Firstly, the basics: fermented foods are foods that have undergone a fermentation process. This means that microorganisms such as bacteria, yeast or fungus grow in foods in a natural way, and convert sugars and other carbohydrates. This process usually makes the food last longer, changes its taste, and improves digestibility. Some classic examples that you’ll find in the supermarket are kombucha, kefir, miso or sauerkraut. Ultra healthy!

Our new formulation uses the power of nature. The mycelia – the root system – of the shiitake mushroom transforms our protein suppliers – peas and rice – into a protein powder with all 20 proteinogenic amino acids. A recipe for success! The proteins are broken down into peptides. This means that compared with non-fermented rice-and-pea protein mixes, the protein is more quickly absorbed, and the bioavailability of the amino acids is higher. At the same time, there is less allergenic potential, and fewer anti-nutritional contents such as phytates that can inhibit the absorption of iron and other minerals.

What else is in SPORT protein?

SPORT protein contains golden linseed protein powder and the rice-and-pea protein fermented with the mycelia of the shiitake mushroom, so it provides you with 26 g of protein per serving. It contains all 20 proteinogenic amino acids, including 4.5 g of BCAA. The proteins in SPORT protein support the maintenance and increase of muscle mass, and boosts the body’s regeneration processes.

The formulation is rounded off with natural vitamins and minerals, supplying the body with sport-relevant nutrients (such as magnesium). Vitamin D3 contributes to the maintenance of muscle function. Riboflavin, biotin, and Vitamins B6 and B12 from CULTAVIT® buckwheat germ powder play an important role in energy metabolisation. Plant-derived iron helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue and supports the transport of oxygen within the body. And last but not least: WATTS’UP® orange extract that has been trialled with athletes, delivers an additional plus for your athletic performance.

Who can benefit from SPORT protein?

We’re sure you’ve already noticed that our new formulation can help boost your performance – in any situation, be it while you’re doing sport, or in your everyday life. Professional athletes need fast and simple protein absorption and the complete proteinogenic amino acid profile. That simplifies their daily diet and their ability to regenerate, and contributes to peak performance. Plus: our product is on the Cologne List. This means that top athletes can trust it too because according to the World Anti-Doping Agency, the products on the Cologne List are regularly tested for banned substances.

Amateur athletes can also benefit from the easy digestibility and controlled protein intake, to regenerate their body after regular training. In addition, SPORT protein dissolves well in water, and therefore has a pleasant mouth feel.

Vegans, and those who eat awarely will find that our completely plant-derived protein powder is a natural and simple way of complementing their diet.

Our recommendation: shake the contents of one sachet with 300 ml water, and enjoy. Athletes benefit from optimised timing: ideally you should drink SPORT protein 1–2 hours before or after training.


To sum up: you can see that fermented food, such as our SPORT protein, offers health benefits across a wide range of nutritional needs. So by consciously choosing to consume fermented foods, we are promoting health and well-being – and can prepare ourselves for peak performance. Give it a try!

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